Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sweet Liar by Jude Deveraux [Review]

Sweet Liar (Montgomery/Taggert Family #6) by Jude Deveraux
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 5, 2024

Montgomery/Taggert Family
1. The Black Lyon
2. The Duchess
3. The Temptress
4. The Raider
5. Mountain Laurel
6. Sweet Liar - Paperback | Kindle
7. Wishes
8. The Princess
9. Eternity
10. Someone to Love
11. The Heiress
12. The Awakening
13. The Invitation
14. High Tide
15. A Knight in Shining Armor

Jude Deveraux
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
It was her father's dying wish that Samantha Elliot search for her grandmother, who'd disappeared from Louisville when she was a baby. So here she was in New York City...her parents dead, her divorce final, and she was all alone....

Michael Taggert was Samantha’s landlord—and she was charmed by this handsome, life-loving man. Yet every time Mike tried to get closer to Samantha, he ran into a brick wall. Now, as he helps her unravel her grandmother’s past—and the dangerous truth about a fateful spring night in 1928 and a seductive jazz singer—Mike slowly reawakens the joy and affection Samantha had buried long ago…
Thoughts on Sweet Liar: This is a reread for me, but it has been many MANY moons since I last immersed myself in all things Montgomery/Taggert. And HOO-BOY do I like Mike and Sam and Mike's endless relatives that show up at unexpected moments. (No lie, the callbacks to other couples made me make heart eyes at the series as a whole and I'm pretty sure I'm rereading them all now.)

BUT FIRST, Mike and Sam. Mike is the easygoing one in this relationship. He likes women, he likes his friends. His family can be a nuisance, but they're always quick to have his back (and tell all about the fascinating young woman living in his townhouse to the out-of-town members of the clan) when he needs them. Sam is the opposite. She's had to hold herself so tightly through all the tragedies that have happened during her life that she doesn't know how to be Sam anymore. Being forced to search for a grandmother that disappeared when she was a baby is just another thing in a long list of things that have ground her down.

Sam and Mike are oil and water and it takes time and a little danger and a lot of frustration (on both their parts) before these two find their groove. Sam learns to live again and Mike comes to realize that Sam is the most important person in the world to him. His family (his huge, enormous, glorious family) adores Sam and folds her in with them from the start.

Danger, heartache, the twin test, mobsters, family, a man who will do anything for his lady, and a lady who finds herself after a lifetime of loss. MAN, I'm ready for the rest of the Montgomerys and Taggerts in all their wild glory!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Raider by Jude Deveraux [Review]

The Raider (Montgomery/Taggert Family #4) by Jude Deveraux
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 7, 2024

Montgomery/Taggert Family
1. The Black Lyon
2. The Duchess
3. The Temptress
4. The Raider - Paperback | Kindle
5. Mountain Laurel
6. Sweet Liar
7. Wishes
8. The Princess
9. Eternity
10. Someone to Love
11. The Heiress
12. The Awakening
13. The Invitation
14. High Tide
15. A Knight in Shining Armor

Jude Deveraux
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
In colonial New England, the British are hunting a fearless, masked patriot whose daring foils them at every turn. He's known simply as the Raider.

Jessica Taggert, a proud-tempered beauty, thrills to the Raider's scorching midnight embrace, but despises Alexander Montgomery, the drunken town buffoon.

In truth, the cleverly disguised Montgomery lives two lives...and only his triumph over the hated Redcoats will free him, at last, to know the full pleasure of Jessica's love.
Thoughts on The Raider: This installment introduces us to the sprawling Taggert family and how their fortunes became intertwined with the Montogmerys. Admittedly, these Taggerts are painfully poor (no qualifiers on this, Jessica and her brothers and sisters live in a shack and are struggling by any standards) and the Montgomerys are decidedly not. You know, seeing as they pretty much own the town of Warbrooke. The point is while the Taggerts we meet in later books are well off, Jessica and her siblings are very much not.

That doesn't bother Alexander much. What bothers him is that the beautiful Jessica laughs in his face and mocks him when he returns home. But then, it could be argued that his disguise as a portly man of leisure who cares only for himself is pretty darn good. It fools everyone at first, even the people who know him best.

While Jessica and Alexander verbally fling barbs at one another, Alexander is also moonlighting as the dashing Raider who likes to kiss pretty women and swoop in to save the day. The pretty woman he likes to kiss the most? Jessica Taggert. So as Jessica and portly Alexander eventually put down their verbal swords and become friends, Jessica and Raider Alexander start dancing around one another in a more romantic sense. Or something. Let's just say that Jessica has a lot on her plate and Alexander is at the middle of all of it.

The Taggert family is fantastic (poor, proud, and completely dedicated to pulling their weight) and the games Alexander and Jessica engage in are kind of a lot (but also kind of funny since neither wants to admit things). A little romance and a dash of daring. I'M IN!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Temptress by Jude Deveraux [Review]

The Temptress (Montgomery/Taggert Family #3) by Jude Deveraux
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 11, 2024

Montgomery/Taggert Family
1. The Black Lyon
2. The Duchess
3. The Temptress - Paperback | Kindle
4. The Raider
5. Mountain Laurel
6. Sweet Liar
7. Wishes
8. The Princess
9. Eternity
10. Someone to Love
11. The Heiress
12. The Awakening
13. The Invitation
14. High Tide
15. A Knight in Shining Armor

Jude Deveraux
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
When a kidnapper falls for his captive, who is the true mark?

With a daughter as strong-willed and independent as Christiana, her father is certain she won’t come home on her own—so he decides to send two men to bring her back.

With the blazing spirit of a true Montgomery, heiress and newspaper reporter Christiana Montgomery Mathison bravely defies the two men who abduct her. Forced into the primitive rain forests of the Washington Territory, she is swept into a thrilling adventure. Amid schemes of greed and intrigue, the bold beauty resists the wooing of one captor and cleverly entices the other, the mysterious and fatally handsome Tynan, a man who desires her . . . but must refuse her love at all costs.
Thoughts on The Temptress: No lie, I was looking forward to hitting Chris and Tynan's book in my re-read because I vaguely remembered that Tynan had this uncanny ability to unbutton a lady's clothes whenever they started kissing. And that, my friends, was exactly what the guy could do. When he gave such a brief kiss he only unbuttoned THREE buttons, well, DANG, you know things are about to go down.

So, yes, Tynan has an unbuttoning gift. Honed from all the years when he'd do nothing more than flash a lady his smile and she'd practically fall in love with him. Christiana isn't immune to that smile, either. For all Tynan did everything he could to stay away from her and try to get her to fall for their traveling companion, Chris was smitten with the big, intense guide from the first. To be fair, Ty was also smitten with Chris. Possibly because his first glimpse of her was when she was nekkid. Or maybe it was just her adventurous spirit. Who knows!

Anywho. Chris and Tynan. She's smart, fearless, and determined to right wrongs. This determination got her into a little trouble every now and then. Tynan, on the other hand, is quiet, a little brooding, and determined to keep his hands to himself. Too bad Chris had other plans, amirite? Chris fell, fell hard, and then had a heck of a time convincing Ty that she knew her own mind and if she said she was in love with the big idiot, she was in love with him.

Throw in some complicated family dynamics, a traveling companion who can't hold a candle to Ty, an adventure in a house of ill repute, a little danger, a gloriously fringed costume, kisses that leave Chris in a STATE, a man who is determined to do the right thing, and a lady who pushes forward even when the odds are against her. GOOD TIMES!

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Duchess by Jude Deveraux [Review]

The Duchess (Montgomery/Taggert Family #2) by Jude Deveraux
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 6, 2024

Montgomery/Taggert Family
1. The Black Lyon
2. The Duchess - Paperback | Kindle
3. The Temptress
4. The Raider
5. Mountain Laurel
6. Sweet Liar
7. Wishes
8. The Princess
9. Eternity
10. Someone to Love
11. The Heiress
12. The Awakening
13. The Invitation
14. High Tide
15. A Knight in Shining Armor

Jude Deveraux
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Claire Willoughby risked losing millions in her inheritance if, as decreed by her grandfather, she did not wed an "acceptable" man. Harry Montgomery, the eleventh Duke of MacArran, seemed perfect. He owned a historic castle, he looked manly in a kilt, and he was as much a titled Scotsman as Bonnie Prince Charlie himself.

Their engagement announced, Claire's future as a duchess was assured—and she set off with her family to meet the Montgomery clan in Scotland. Bramley Castle was a damp, chill place, overflowing with eccentric relatives. But there was also Trevelyan, a secretive, brooding man who lived in Bramley's ancient halls. Whoever he was, he wasn't at all like Harry: Trevelyan was the most exasperating, arrogant, know-it-all of a man Claire had ever met. And the most fascinating...
Thoughts on The Duchess: This is a re-read for me (actually, the bulk of this series is a re-read and just YESSSSS!) and I kind of remember this as not being my favorite in the series. Maybe? But then I started reading it and ...I liked it. A lot. Way more than I remember liking it. I mean, Trevelyan is a little infuriating at times with his secrets and such, but then who HASN'T wanted to hide from their relatives and duck their responsibilities upon occasion? PFFT. Not me, that's for sure.

Anywho. Time has definitely made me a little more accepting of his eccentricities.

While Trevelyan is secretive and maybe a little brooding, Claire is sunny and curious. She loves the history of Scotland and the crumbling castle and the people who live on the land. Unfortunately, Harry's relatives don't all love her, the loud American. And by Harry's relatives, I mean his mother. She's...not fun. At all. And while the family needs Claire's money, Harry's mother does her level best to make Claire (and everyone around her) as miserable as she is.

Good thing Claire has the infuriating (secretive, brooding) Trevelyan to help her through these trying times.

A whole lot of secrets, excellent Scottish whiskey, more secrets, twisted (and complicated) family dynamics, some glorious fangirl behavior from Claire, a man who can't stop thinking about how nicely he and Claire fit (while refusing to admit just that), and a lady who loves hard when she finds her person. *thumbs up*

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Storm Warning by Nora Roberts [Review]

Storm Warning by Nora Roberts
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 23, 2024

Purchase Links: Kindle

Nora Roberts
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Back in rural Virginia to take over her aunt’s mountain inn, Autumn Gallegher is surprised to find the resort so full of guests—and shocked to discover Lucas McLean among them. A writer of extraordinary depth and talent, Lucas’s way with words won Autumn’s love in a passionate affair that he ended without warning. Three years later, she’s still drawn to his dark intensity and desires him more than ever. But when a guest’s dead body is discovered, Lucas becomes the police’s prime suspect. And while Autumn still loves Lucas, she also has evidence that could convict him of murder…
Thoughts on Storm Warning: I think this might the first NR throwback book that didn't work for me. While there were parts I enjoyed, the ending seemed abrupt and I wasn't thrilled with the reasoning behind why Lucas broke things off with Autumn originally. It just felt...I dunno, too easy a reason, maybe? (On an unrelated note, the blurb doesn't quite hit right either. Mostly because I don't remember Autumn going to to the inn to take it over [she was just there for a visit] and Lucas was never in the police's prime suspect [by the time the police arrived, the baddie had been caught by those at the inn]. So, there's that.)

Anywho. The things I enjoyed (in no particular order): Murder. Trying to figure out who did the deed. Autumn's passion for photography and acceptance of her slightly absentminded aunt's tangents.

Like I said, this is the first NR throwback I didn't love, but it's not going to stop me from continuing to delve into her backlist.

Friday, October 11, 2024

All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino but an Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead by Patra Palerno [Review]

All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino But an Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead (Bubble Babes #3) by Petra Palerno
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 26, 2024

Bubble Babes
1. All I Wanted Was Sushi But I Got Abducted By Aliens Instead
2. All I Wanted Was to Become a Scientist But Now I've Got an Alien Boyfriend
3. All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino But an Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead - Paperback | Kindle

Petra Palerno
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):

The reality of being a mob boss' daughter is anything but glamorous, despite what one might think. In the absence of true freedom, my only companion was my loyal dog, Bruno. When he passed, I felt like my life had hit rock bottom. But when aliens abducted me from my pity party in a local wine bar, I realized how wrong I was. As if things couldn't get any worse, I woke up in an alien duke's closet, forced to rely on a giant alien pleasure toy as my only means of defense. All I know is that the gaudy duke can’t stand me…and the feeling is mutual.


Throughout my dukedom, I have dedicated myself to restoring the fi'len species to their natural aquatic habitats. How in the goddess's name am I supposed to do that when this human is my mate? Despite her mouthiness, the tiny human cannot swim. Did that stop me from stealing her cryopod from a crashed ship and locking it in my closet? Absolutely not. I also didn’t expect her to wake up and demand answers, either. But I can’t expect my people to look at me to lead if a human stands beside me, despite how much my body burns for hers. The dilemma arises: should I prioritize the goddess's wishes or grant her the freedom she deserves, joining the other human refugees?
Thoughts on All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino But an Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead: Oh ho! It's Raf'ere's turn to find his special someone and let's juts say he DID NOT make the best impression in the earlier books. He's a little uptight a little smug (I was probably channeling Ke'ain as I wrote that last part), and he went a little too far with Jessy. That last one was a cultural thing, though, I think. I mean, these fi'len males do have a tendency to be straightforward in a way that's a little uncomfortable for human women. Especially if said women have been trafficked and forced into a life they didn't want.

But that's another story for another day. Let's just say that Raf'ere had some things that happened and leave it at that. Except, wait. He also kidnapped Marta. Which is bad. But again, cultural differences. Namely, the mating bond and the way it makes people act to protect those they're mated to. While this is technically a TERRIBLE idea, Marta gives as good as she gets. And her pushiness and unwillingness to back down on the things she needed gave Raf'ere the kick in the pants he needed to be a better person. Or at least a person who isn't confined to the rigid mold he thinks he needs to hold himself to.

As for Marta, she went from one cage to another. And that was even without being forced to dance for the aliens who abducted her. She was kept on a tight leash on Earth because of her father's business and the danger it put her in. Then she was kept captive in Raf'ere's rooms as he struggled with how to keep her safe while bending enough to give her some sort of freedom.

Yeah, these two didn't start out on the best foot. But with time and a whole lot of patience, they both got where they needed to be.

Am I digging these abducted women and the aliens who fall hard for them? YES, I AM!